Genius Flame

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Tips to learn a new language

Are you struggling to pick up a second language? Here are some advices that can help you. Let this guide you through the easy and fun way to learn any language.

1. Be motivated!

This might sound obvious, but if you don’t have a good reason to learn a language, you are less likely to stay motivated over the long-run. It is a good idea to find a native speaker and to practice the language often. No matter your reason, once you’ve decided on a language, it’s crucial to commit!

2. Find a partner

Find a partner to learn the new language together. You can stay motivated together. Finding some kind of partner will push both of you to always try just a little bit harder and stay with it. It is really a great way to learn a new language. You can speak to him and that’s the idea behind learning a new language.

You can find a partner on Facebook or Skype

3. Talk to yourself

When you have no one else to speak to, there’s nothing wrong with talking to yourself in a foreign language. It might sound really weird, but actually speaking to yourself in a language is a great way to practice it. This will allow you to keep the new words and phrases fresh in your mind. It also helps build up your confidence for the next time you speak with someone.

4. Keep it relevant

If you make conversation a goal from the beginning, you’re less likely to get lost in textbooks. Talking to people is one of the best ways to learn a language, because it keeps the learning process relevant to you. Keep in mind that you are learning a language in order to use it. You are not going to speak it only to yourself.

5. Have fun with it

Think of some fun ways to practice your new language: tell a joke to a friend, draw a comic strip, write a poem or simply talk to whomever you can.

6. Act like a child

We learn by making mistakes. As kids, we are expected to make mistakes, but as adults, mistakes become taboo. And this creates a problem - it becomes more difficult to learn if you cannot make mistakes. Think how an adult is more likely to say, “I can’t” rather than, “I haven’t learned that yet”. To be seen failing is a social taboo that doesn’t burden children. When it comes to learning a language, admitting that you don’t know everything (and being okay with that) is the key to growth and freedom.

7. Leave your comfort zone

Willingness to make mistakes means being ready to put yourself in potentially embarrassing situations. This can be scary, but it’s the only way to develop and improve. No matter how much you learn, you won’t ever speak a language without putting yourself out there: talk to strangers in the language, ask for directions, order food, try to tell a joke. The more often you do this, the bigger your comfort zone becomes and the more at ease you can be in new situations.

8. Listen

You must learn to listen before you can speak. Every language sounds strange the first time you hear it, but the more you expose yourself to it the more familiar it becomes, and the easier it is to speak it properly. You can use Netflix or Youtube to find a relevant content for you.

9. Watch others talk

Different languages make different demands on your tongue, lips and throat. Pronunciation is just as much physical as it is mental. If you can’t watch and imitate a native-speaker in person, watching foreign-language films and TV is a good substitute.

10. Start practicing now!

Start practicing now! We have developed a great free iPhone and Android application to help you learn a new language. You can download it here:

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