Genius Flame

Genius Flame - where the spark of knowledge ignites the flame of wisdom!

Genius Flame
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Do you want to teach your child to be good, smart, and happy?

You can achieve this with our original fairy tales, created by a child psychologist.

These stories are different because they stimulate imagination and speech, enrich and awaken the mind, and develop children's emotional intelligence. That is why it is important for children to listen to them regularly. The fairy tales open doors - the doors of knowledge, beauty, and magic!

Each story ends with a moral. We already have hundreds of reviews from grateful parents who share with us that their children love the stories and enjoy listening to them. The stories are suitable for kindergarten, preschool, and early school age. Each story teaches the child an important lesson:

  • I am good!
  • I am healthy and strong!
  • It’s great to go to school!
  • Always listen to your parents!
  • Mom and Dad love me!
  • I am a good student and I love learning!
  • It’s good to eat healthily!
  • It’s important to play sports!
  • I have many friends!
  • Life is an exciting adventure!
  • I am safe and protected!
  • I am confident and happy!
  • With hard work and perseverance, I can achieve anything I desire!
  • Healthy eating and sports are very important for good health!
  • Always share with your parents what worries you!

These stories are different because:

  • Through them, we educate the child in a very gentle and delicate way, instilling certain beliefs such as: I am good! I am smart! I can achieve anything I desire!
  • Each fairy tale can begin with the child's name.
  • There is relaxing music that calms the child and helps them fall asleep faster and easier, having wonderful dreams.
  • The parent can take a break and take care of themselves, calm and rest assured that their child is learning something useful.
  • There is a section for parents that contains tips and a description of each story's goals.
  • Children can learn different languages by listening to the same fairy tale in the language that they wish to learn as well as in their native language.
  • There is a part where the text of the fairy tale is uploaded if the parent wants to read it to their child.
  • No internet is needed to listen to the stories. Once you download the app and the fairy tales, you can use it anytime, anywhere!
  • With these stories, your child will build the necessary trust in themselves and the belief that they live in a good world filled with beauty and wonders.

Our motto is: “Make the world a better place for our children”

Enjoy listening!

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