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Galanticus - Children Fairy Tales for More Happiness

Fairy tales enrich children's world, stimulate imagination and speech, awaken thought, and develop emotional intelligence. With them, children learn to be truly happy, while also learning compassion and kindness. Through different fairy tales their world view is enriched, so they learn more about everything that awaits them in life. They learn that it is good to help and that good is above everything.

These original fairy tales for children are specially written by the child psychologist Albena Simeonova. These are fairy tales about animals, angels, fairies, beauty and kindness and are meant for the little ones, however there is something everyone can learn from them. The characters are good, brave and strong, always ready to come to the rescue. This is how children build themselves up and believe that the world is full of beauty and wonders! That's why it's important for children to listen to these fairy tales regularly, so that the doors of knowledge, kindness and magic open to them!

The different characters in the cleverly told stories will help children get to know themselves, their emotions and feelings and learn how to overcome their fears and worries.

Listening to the stories, children will get calmer and fall asleep much faster and easier, having wonderful dreams. If you have the opportunity to cuddle your child while listening to the stories, it will give them the much-needed warmth, love and attention that children are in great need of every day.

Encourage children to retell the stories after they have listened to them. This way they will train their memory and the moral of the story will remain deep in their minds.

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