Genius Flame

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Genius Flame
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Privacy Policy

Genius Flame Privacy Policy was updated on July 15, 2015.

Your privacy is important us. Our Privacy Policy defines how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. Feel free to email us if you have any questions

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact a single person. You may be asked to provide personal information in order to use our products and services. We may also combine it with other information to provide and improve our products, services, content, and advertising. You are not required to provide the personal information that we have requested, but, if you chose not to do so, in many cases we will not be able to provide you with our products or services or respond to any queries you may have.

What personal information we collect

Here are some examples of the types of personal information that we may collect collect when you use our services.

  • Your name
  • Your email

How we use your personal information

The personal information we collect allows us to keep you posted on our latest product announcements, create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve our products, services, content and advertising, and for loss prevention and anti-fraud purposes. From time to time, we may use your personal information to send important notices, such as communications about purchases and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. Because this information is important, you may not opt out of receiving these communications. We may also use personal information for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve our products, services, and customer communications.

How do we protected your personal information

Genius Flame takes the security of your personal information very seriously. We protect your personal information during transit using encryption such as Transport Layer Security (TLS). When your personal data is stored by Genius Flame, we use computer systems with limited access housed in facilities using physical security measures. Your personal information is always stored in encrypted form. We have implemented best of breed policies to protect your information.

Collection and Use of Non-Personal Information

We also collect data in a form that does not, on its own, permit direct association with any specific individual. We may collect, use, transfer, and disclose non-personal information for any purpose. The following are some examples of non-personal information that we collect and how we may use it:

  • We may collect information such as language, zip code, area code, referrer URL, location, and the time zone where an our products are used so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our products, services, and advertising.
  • We may collect information regarding customer activities on our website, our product and services. This information is aggregated and used to help us provide more useful information to our customers and to understand which parts of our website, products, and services are of most interest. Aggregated data is considered non-personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.
  • We may collect and store details of how you use our services, including search queries. This information may be used to improve the relevancy of results provided by our services. Except in limited instances to ensure quality of our services over the Internet, such information will not be associated with your IP address.

If we do combine non-personal information with personal information the combined information will be treated as personal information for as long as it remains combined.

Cookies and Other Technologies

Genius Flame websites, online services, interactive applications, email messages, and advertisements may use “cookies” and other technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons. These technologies help us better understand user behavior, tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, and facilitate and measure the effectiveness of advertisements and web searches. We treat information collected by cookies and other technologies as non-personal information. However, to the extent that Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identifiers are considered personal information by local law, we also treat these identifiers as personal information. Similarly, to the extent that non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

Disclosure to Third Parties

We do not share your personal information with other companies. We may decide to share non personal information to partners and other companies to improve our services.

Retention of Personal Information

Genius Flame makes it easy for you to keep your personal information accurate, complete, and up to date. We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

To make sure your personal information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to Genius Flame employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.

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